Sunday, January 3, 2010

stepping back into the horrfying enviroment

With the magic blink of an eye, school term resumes again tomorrow. Which in turn means; Resuming my ministry: Shepherding and all the planning requires of me heading into wee hours, then again, waking up before the rooster crows. The 3 upcoming major projects. The constant struggle to pick up courage and reach out to the most unlovable friends around.

Disciplining my heart to complete my jobsheet when people are blasting music, skateboarding in class, alternating tabs between Facebook and Photoshop. The list just goes on and on... From witnessing injustice, to gossips, to seeing people smoke in between breaks.

Honestly, I feel so uncertain and insecure yesterday. I went into Nexus with a 1 tonned heart. However as the service progress, God began speaking through the worship and sermon points and it simply blew me away. With the assurance given by God, I am once again convinced of the fact that I'm labelled with an identity as a child of God, called to influence and shine for him.

If there is one thing that I brought back yesterday, I believe it would be the conviction of nuturing the delight to make God famous.

I look forward to defy the temptations that comes charging towards me. God, come come! We do this together okay? haha.



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