Theocentricity of the scriptures
What is of profound significance to me is the thetoric of subversive truths. Found in both the Old and New testaments, these radical statements (often in language to shock the audience) were inspired articulated to jar the believers (or critics, as the case may be) out of their theological complacencies; in a subversive agenda to expose the illusions of reality held by fallen minds.
- Edmund Chan, Growing deep in God [2003]
It was a tiring process today to figure out the commands of english each and every second, scribbling and jolting down as much as I could, and on top of that, digesting the complex meaning of what was actually spoken in WFL. Personalizing it for myself, here it goes..
Theocentricity VS Anthropocentric orientation.
The parable of the lost son is a famous story we would like to extract when we talk about the love of God. I mean, cool. However, does it just end there? When does it end? When we finally understood God forgives all? Or do we end there when there is a clear definition of acceptance of GOD vs MAN?
Many times, we tend to simply wrap ourselves warmly in the comfort of satisfication because we successfully obey the Word, and I once used too. However, my perspective broaden this afternoon. It was simply more than that.

[Psalm 1]
In a Anthropocentric point of view: We would strive to obey his commands, then we will be successful. Does it seems like a kinda secret recipe to success? True. But inadequate. Just because this assurance worked for ME, it doesn't nessecary means that THAT was the very thing God was trying to convey. Eg."I did this I got rich, do together with me la!" - and because of such misconceptions, we twist the word of God to be normative to everyone else. Thinking it might work sorta like a secret martial arts scroll?
In a theocentrical point of view: God's glory will be revealed. At that very moment when the rewards arrives, we will learn of God's never failing re-assurance and his promise are yes and amen!
Now, why? Why is it essential for christians to buy into the need for theology in studying the scripture? Is there even a need to have good grasp of the idea?
The truth is this: Without knowing the light of theology, we are sincerely inadequately blinded to the reasons of why God choose to say certain things in certain ways.
Illustration: Why did Jesus come down and die for us?
Common Ten-year series answer: Because God loves us.
Theocentrical point of view: For God's glory to be revealed.
Evidence: Flip through the book of Romans and Hebrews. You will find out why.
The one thing that put me in the state of awe was this: Without the basis of theology in the word, we are drive into a motion of Fallacy; a notion of misbeliefs. I cannot help but to agree what was spoken today, to start reading the word of God with the spectacles of God's microphone. To constantly ask: What was God trying to revealed about himself with these passages.
In a nut shell: Without the zeal of thriving to understand, we merely taint the whole essence of God's given messgae, and transquate the truth, to meet our own needs. Might deemed righteous, but not fully to the will of God.
However, although no matter how much God speaks for his own glory, there will always be times that the scriptures translates into our own lifes, but with this in mind: Let's see God first in the picture as we mediate his word and see ourselves along the way, instead of putting ourselves first then dig for his glory due to obligations.
I can never stop typing as much as I cannot fully comprehend the definition of theology itself. However, one thing I honestly believe is: I will never give up on the chase to understand more.
Let what was supposed to be on the throne, be on the throne.
From the WORD of GOD become the GOD of the WORD.
I Heart Revolutions
- Edmund Chan, Growing deep in God [2003]
It was a tiring process today to figure out the commands of english each and every second, scribbling and jolting down as much as I could, and on top of that, digesting the complex meaning of what was actually spoken in WFL. Personalizing it for myself, here it goes..
Theocentricity VS Anthropocentric orientation.
The parable of the lost son is a famous story we would like to extract when we talk about the love of God. I mean, cool. However, does it just end there? When does it end? When we finally understood God forgives all? Or do we end there when there is a clear definition of acceptance of GOD vs MAN?
Many times, we tend to simply wrap ourselves warmly in the comfort of satisfication because we successfully obey the Word, and I once used too. However, my perspective broaden this afternoon. It was simply more than that.

[Psalm 1]
In a Anthropocentric point of view: We would strive to obey his commands, then we will be successful. Does it seems like a kinda secret recipe to success? True. But inadequate. Just because this assurance worked for ME, it doesn't nessecary means that THAT was the very thing God was trying to convey. Eg."I did this I got rich, do together with me la!" - and because of such misconceptions, we twist the word of God to be normative to everyone else. Thinking it might work sorta like a secret martial arts scroll?
In a theocentrical point of view: God's glory will be revealed. At that very moment when the rewards arrives, we will learn of God's never failing re-assurance and his promise are yes and amen!
Now, why? Why is it essential for christians to buy into the need for theology in studying the scripture? Is there even a need to have good grasp of the idea?
The truth is this: Without knowing the light of theology, we are sincerely inadequately blinded to the reasons of why God choose to say certain things in certain ways.
Illustration: Why did Jesus come down and die for us?
Common Ten-year series answer: Because God loves us.
Theocentrical point of view: For God's glory to be revealed.
Evidence: Flip through the book of Romans and Hebrews. You will find out why.
The one thing that put me in the state of awe was this: Without the basis of theology in the word, we are drive into a motion of Fallacy; a notion of misbeliefs. I cannot help but to agree what was spoken today, to start reading the word of God with the spectacles of God's microphone. To constantly ask: What was God trying to revealed about himself with these passages.
In a nut shell: Without the zeal of thriving to understand, we merely taint the whole essence of God's given messgae, and transquate the truth, to meet our own needs. Might deemed righteous, but not fully to the will of God.
However, although no matter how much God speaks for his own glory, there will always be times that the scriptures translates into our own lifes, but with this in mind: Let's see God first in the picture as we mediate his word and see ourselves along the way, instead of putting ourselves first then dig for his glory due to obligations.
I can never stop typing as much as I cannot fully comprehend the definition of theology itself. However, one thing I honestly believe is: I will never give up on the chase to understand more.
Let what was supposed to be on the throne, be on the throne.
From the WORD of GOD become the GOD of the WORD.
I Heart Revolutions
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