DAVIDSENTOSA: For being a important friend to me. As one of the longest friend I have served alongside with; seen the most stupidest moments and leadership boo boo in my life, I am surprised that he constantly keeps and nuture a spirit of humility; one whom recognises divine authority and obeying God word without hestitation. There are indeed endless list of character and growth I can affirmed for, but one thing that I cannot help but to acknowledge is the explosive dreams that he dreams for God. An idealistic person with great ambitions and passion for the kingdom of God he is. However as much as that is true, he does not allow such to become a distraction for what God has called him to be at the present.
Once a quiet person by nature, he has grown to become someone who is choleric in his spirituality, cultivating a strong set of value-system in his personal life. He has learnt to be firm and unshakable while being gentle in spirit, each at the right moment. At the same time, he has also aqquired convictions that keeps him focus and as a result, his people cannot help but to be influenced and live out the same spirit that he holds; in the aspects of reaching out to people and treasuring their personal walk with God. Lastly, even though he has personal preferences of how he wants his life to be like everyone, he has chosen the path and trusted God for his future; Junior college. With that, I consider it as one of the most important quality that everyone should model after. I thank you for being generous with your love and time when it comes to people of God. Your decisive spirit, wise and God-centered choices when it comes to the kingdom.
Through your life, you have shown me what it means to trust God and placing his priorities and agenda higher than ours. And I believe that your people have caught the essence of it too.
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