It has been a long time since I had a nightmare at such a extend; It kept me deeply engaged that I couldn't wake up at all. Insane.
I found myself in a sealed room, in the middle of 90's street with few detectives and friends.; Joan was a detective! A mass murder case took place there few hours ago. The room had stale air and an eerie atmosphere. Apparently, there were splashes of fresh blood on the grey walls being washed away and corpses were carried out as we talked. It seemed that I was one who had certain level of authority in the team.
The room had no furnitures, but a bathtub and a kitchen. I assumed the men who were doing the cleaning on the walls were people who manages toxic and chemicals, because for some reason, they were dressed in full white-couloured suit; astronaut? At that moment, I felt goosebumps in my dream and we left the place concluding that it had evident links with an ongoing serial-killer case.
Next moment I found myself in contact with a girl. I was entasked with the repsonsibility of protecting her all around the clock. Perhaps she was the next target whom we assumed to be. She works in a office and returns back not to a home but a motel located in the middle of a yellow lighted street. I followed closely behind her in the empty street, till she reached the stairs of her motel and bid her farewell for that day. However, she requested for me to sleep over at her apartment for the night in fear that she will be attacked. With obligations and no house in my dream, I accepted and thank her for the invitation.
I am unable to recall the identity of the girl although I am certain that she is in my circle of friends. Her features; long hair and had similar skin colour as myself. That's all I could remember! Nothing happened that night and I found myself in another scene again.
Sunlight was blazing and glaring. I was in my roller blades when I saw a figure at the distance, similar to the suspect I witnessed before in another scene in my dream. The place had big panels of windows on my left, and behind the windows was a huge building, and outside the building was a open sea with family and kids playing. On my right, it was open sunny afternoon sky shaded by a wall with beautiful italics carvings. Behind the wall had a slightly higher ground, that can be accessed through steps located somewhere at the middle.
Upon seeing the man at a distance, my instincts immediately directed me to hide behind the wall. I found myself breathing softly, crouching low, attempting to peep at him. [The process of walking up the steps didn't happened, I just teleported up] With a closer look, he had a "magician hat" - which I don't suppose it is deemed as uncommon in those days, with a black tux and long black pants. On his hands were a pair of binoculars, scouting around the opposite building. After several minutes, he walked down the steps. I was certain that he was indeed the wanted criminal we were searching for, but wasn't sure if it was wise to apprehend him alone, considering the probability of success rate.
It was then something amusing happened. I saw Sean Poh and James Wong through the carvings of the wall. They saw me too, and understood my intentions. As the man approached towards Sean's directions, we kept in communication with simple sign languages. Finally, since I was on the higher ground, we decided to ambush him. I bladed my way down and he immediately realised he was trapped in between his predators. He dashed through the crowd, into the building as I chased after him. To my amazement, my blading skills improved so much in my dream, like Shenda. He made his way hurridly into the open sands and in desperation attempted to swim a short distance across the waters to another island.
The crowd and onlookers was both confused and shocked at the drama as I took out my blades and swam after him. I dived into the waters, caught him by the collar and pulled some punches. I dragged him back unto the sands and saw him face to face. Gosh, his identity literally shocked me, leaving me speechless. I held him by the neck and began questioning him with loud shouts,
"Why did you kill so many people?!" (I could question him dirctly then, because I knew him well. He was a insecure believer that backslided years ago and had subjected to bully and laughters in school)
He replied me subconciously, both with a laugh and confused look which totally left me disgusted. "For.. fun?"
The case was closed since, and found myself next moment, teaching about the understanding of prayers to my unit in Youth camp. The people present in my unit were unexpected. Faces that I am able to recall in my fingertips were people like Ritchell and Lucas. With a concensus made, in a prayer point which I have forgotten what is it, we dismissed. Everyone mingled around as usual before suddenly going into panic mood; some ran into the hallway and some shouted " He is back!"
My dream ended after seeing a group of power rangers like figure discussing amongst themselves how to go about dealing with traitors in their team. Hello irony.
Dreams are simply so amazing. The pictures that flashes across your head sometimes are so real and able to give you authentic feelings of creeps and warmth at the right moment.