The battle has started (:

Level up camp has just ended no more than 2 days and I'm already feeling the heat. I slept for 17 hours?- Besides running down with fever and headache, I can feel that I'm starting to be engaged in spiritual warfare too. Personal struggles that I thought conquered before came back just this morning, and feel so frustrated when I lost. That just made me doubly convinced that God is real- Very real. Shall skip the personal part and move on (:
This camp has been the 7th, and this time was great as ever. Had a wonderful wonderful time praising God and experiencing him. On top of that, I had great time ministering to NorthG and also saw people stepping up the greater committment in thy camp itself! The next generation of leaders- Binhua, Haoqiang, JunJie, Lucas, Weekiat and more. At the very least, these are name I remember from my fingertips. Point is: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! 3 people was holy-spirit baptised in camp too!
I am so delighted in seeing more people joining this cause with me. However, what really captivated me in this camp wasn't just the worship or sermon, but a personal touch from GOD! I came in with this objective: Reverence, but God didn't speak a single thing from the first day onwards!
As I paniced, I actually forgotten that God was at work. The time finally came when Pastor Jeff preached it. Then the following word just struck me like a baseball bat swinged towards my head at 60km/hr. HEART OF INTEGRITY. That was it, and everything just pieced up. As much as with a heart of reverence leads to a heart of integrity, heart of integrity opens the sense of craving and awareness for more reverence. They just compel one another further!
I looking forward to see great things in Woodlands. That's all (:
Sleeping soon.. again
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