Loved again

Rewinding back to the significant moment this afternoon, back at suntec city convention hall. I was loved again; not because my savior's love for me changed in any way, but simply because I responded to the resounding knocks at the door of my heart. Actually, truth is I didn't had high hopes in my Christmas 2009, that it would be such a wonderful one. Howvever, God blew me away. Literally.
The thought of recieving NEW hope in a long time struggle in personal life, brought me to tears- Part was God's grace, part was also the victory he assured me. As the last worship song played before the time for alter call, I fell down in my brain as images of specfic people suddenly flashed across my mind. Though it abruptly broke my chain of thoughts, I honestly knew that God wanted me to catch a glimpse of his heart more than anything else. His shattered heart.
I decided to box God a gift, a best one, and so I did. Immediately went over to the row right next beside me, and begin sharing God's love to this dear old friend of mine. Even though I cannot exactly recall what I was babbling about with all my tears choking me, but I surely remembered vividly, the overflowing joy in me when he nodded his head; to recieve Jesus back into his life once again (:
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