JIANHAO: For being someone who treasure God's people and seeking to believe in them neither through experience, nor surrounding perspective. And because of this indispensible quality he have internalized with, it constantly leads him to invest in people without keeping anything for himself because he has long sort out his personal priority before he meets Mr.Crossroads. The truth is, be it in ministry or as a person, he is always one whom thrives to lead a righteous life and leave no matters unquestioned. Given an opportunity, he is always ready with effective solutions and Godly advice to help others in times of neediness. In the same way, even though at times he faces unpleasant situation, he always keeps a sweet spirit in his thoughts and believe in God's best plans for him, persistently running the race. As a result, his people have modelled after him by perservering in their own walk with God, slowly but evidently progressing in their commitment towards the kindom of God as well.
As a long time friend, I also want to affirm him for his humourous character that is seldom mentioned more than seen, because this is one key quality that youth community needs in order to work towards the "fun" aspect. Personally, I thank God for you for showing me what is means to stay relevant, while at the same time not compromising what the word of God has to say in your life and obey it without question.
If there is a thesis sentence to describe him, it will be: Jesus first, others second, himself third.
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