Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Lifegroup 2009
Above is just one of the memory of our NorthG Thanksgiving Lifegroup 2009 snapped this afternoon. We totally had a crazy time of fun and gorging ourselves with fatty chicken parts from cold storage; not to mention "Tao-poking" Kelvin for 11 times. I definitely look forward to marching towards 2010 with a spirit of family as a NorthG. The thought of eating supper together with people like Binhua or Junjie late at night just gives me a tinge of excitment on my hip bones (:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
How much do you want it?
In kingdom of God, the previlage of leadership is given to those who are willing to avail themselves. Everyone comes with pair of hands full of load, but question remains; will you release the grasp of your fist and allow him to fill it with his perfect plan?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
In preparation.
Besides taking time out to calculate how much I have spent within this period of time packed with retreats and celebrations; which is apparently the cause of a BIG fat hole in my pocket, I also have been setting aside time to think about this entire year and summarising on blank papers. Personally, this year has really been a fast-paced one, full of agendas and objectives. Having said that, how can I forget about thank God too for growing me in character and competence through all these circumstances. Hohoho.. Going to set aside time to think about my personal New Year Resolutions very soon too. By thy way, can anyone enlighten me how to spend my 31st December in a special way? Special way. Really.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Letter to dear friend
Hey dear Ben, I sincerely thank you for giving both God and yourself the second chance to re-journey this narrow but rewarding road again. No words can express this explosive joy in my heart to be able to serve with you on the frontline once again. I'm so glad: The lacings of your eternity is once again secured by his grace. You really made my 2009 Christmas a meaningful one. Jiayou. Let's continue to struggle against the flow of the world together. And lastly; Never say thy sinner's prayer again. Never. -Love, Josh.
Loved again

Rewinding back to the significant moment this afternoon, back at suntec city convention hall. I was loved again; not because my savior's love for me changed in any way, but simply because I responded to the resounding knocks at the door of my heart. Actually, truth is I didn't had high hopes in my Christmas 2009, that it would be such a wonderful one. Howvever, God blew me away. Literally.
The thought of recieving NEW hope in a long time struggle in personal life, brought me to tears- Part was God's grace, part was also the victory he assured me. As the last worship song played before the time for alter call, I fell down in my brain as images of specfic people suddenly flashed across my mind. Though it abruptly broke my chain of thoughts, I honestly knew that God wanted me to catch a glimpse of his heart more than anything else. His shattered heart.
I decided to box God a gift, a best one, and so I did. Immediately went over to the row right next beside me, and begin sharing God's love to this dear old friend of mine. Even though I cannot exactly recall what I was babbling about with all my tears choking me, but I surely remembered vividly, the overflowing joy in me when he nodded his head; to recieve Jesus back into his life once again (:
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'm exhausted. Max.
Dear Joshua, I promise you that I will give you a break; nice afternoon to chill out alone with my saviour after christmas. Where shall I head then? Perhaps somewhere special to both Joshua and his saviour once before: Changi Airport.
Monday, December 21, 2009
It feels good to have new stuff
A pair of brown colour contact lens.
A cheap nice ring with a cross engraved.
A pair of comfy slippers. [nonsense brand]
Total: $25.90
After 3 weeks of just $2.00 each day, besides discipline, I realized that I'm not poor, I just simply needed more contentment that's all. Thank you God. Really.
A cheap nice ring with a cross engraved.
A pair of comfy slippers. [nonsense brand]
Total: $25.90
After 3 weeks of just $2.00 each day, besides discipline, I realized that I'm not poor, I just simply needed more contentment that's all. Thank you God. Really.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
My day of thinking
Had a wonderful day of thinking, but the above is definitely not a snapshot taken by me; but extracted from Google. It is still a nice and quiet place to chill on a sunday afternoon though. I have decided to be a frequent visitor here (:
I am getting hungry now. Gonna grab some late lunch from 7-eleven before watching IRIS again. Naise place. Naise.
What have I done?!
Referring to the post below; What have I done right?
I believe sometimes this is an extremly important question for us to evaluate, especially when we cross paths with victories. It is kinda imperative for us as we embark on higher steps in leadership and when you carefully consider the benefits of the results that comes afterwards.
Able to identifying the mistakes and good we have done after we encounter victory.
Provides assurance that God is walking with plans and directions set.
Intrigues awareness of the rolling stones ahead as we move towards next end point.
I believe sometimes this is an extremly important question for us to evaluate, especially when we cross paths with victories. It is kinda imperative for us as we embark on higher steps in leadership and when you carefully consider the benefits of the results that comes afterwards.
Able to identifying the mistakes and good we have done after we encounter victory.
Provides assurance that God is walking with plans and directions set.
Intrigues awareness of the rolling stones ahead as we move towards next end point.
Returning from church service yesterday after visiting our sick-cats [David Sentosa and Debbie] in NorthGEN, God posed me a question: What have you done right?
Exhausted as I am, I dragged my feet to my room and had to decide between the bed or table. Guess what I chose? You are most likely to be right: BED! However, I could not leave it unquestioned and it just simply bothered me like a bed bug. I decided to just grab a piece of A4 paper and started scribbling.
If I think what i have successfully hit bullseye on within this very short period of time, I don't think I have done anything explosive or marvelleous. I just thrived to remained faithful to be role as I have called to do.
I learnt more. I imparted more.
I poured out a little more than usual.
I prayed more and trusted on God a little more.
Capable leadership - convicted
A clear picture for individual role model.
Family spirit to WIN.
Let us cross beyond the line of 25 in this season of Christmas together. Amen.
Exhausted as I am, I dragged my feet to my room and had to decide between the bed or table. Guess what I chose? You are most likely to be right: BED! However, I could not leave it unquestioned and it just simply bothered me like a bed bug. I decided to just grab a piece of A4 paper and started scribbling.
If I think what i have successfully hit bullseye on within this very short period of time, I don't think I have done anything explosive or marvelleous. I just thrived to remained faithful to be role as I have called to do.
I learnt more. I imparted more.
I poured out a little more than usual.
I prayed more and trusted on God a little more.
Capable leadership - convicted
A clear picture for individual role model.
Family spirit to WIN.
Let us cross beyond the line of 25 in this season of Christmas together. Amen.
Decision making
Good times are golden opportunities to make decisions. I'm not saying that we cannot make decisions when our foot comes in contact with the soil of pitfalls, but if that is the only time we make hard decisions, I wonder how many branches you will need to trip over before your life before you truly grow.
Simply to put it, refusing to make decisions at the junction brings you to a state where you will be likely to fall at the crossroads. Issue of discipline, purity and stewardship are examples of such, that requires you to slam your fist on the table before walking the bumpy road ahead.
Simply to put it, refusing to make decisions at the junction brings you to a state where you will be likely to fall at the crossroads. Issue of discipline, purity and stewardship are examples of such, that requires you to slam your fist on the table before walking the bumpy road ahead.
I had enough
As each second pass by, my fire gets fiercer, stronger. Beside me as I am typing, sitted 3 people whom I supposed, students from RepublicPoly itself. From their conversations, I able to discern that they are indeed christians. What makes me furious is why in the world are they gossiping and hurling vulgarities?!
I am trying my best to concentrate on my paper and pen. Besides refreshing my facebook tab, I am totally distracted by this bunch of kids. Perhaps it is another situation that God place to heighten my level of compassion. I overheard their conversation and came to know that the guy positioned on my left was about to be recruited into church band.
Whatever the case is, I pray that they will wake up from their fantasy and obession of chasing titles. God long had enough of persistent sinners in the world. He definitely doesn't need [Christians] who refuses to turn from their ways.
Personal note: You can never pack your leadership title and capabilities into harversack and head to heaven.
Perhaps the most spiritual thing to do is not hold a survey form and walk around shopping malls, but to buy a mirror and clean up our lifes.
I am trying my best to concentrate on my paper and pen. Besides refreshing my facebook tab, I am totally distracted by this bunch of kids. Perhaps it is another situation that God place to heighten my level of compassion. I overheard their conversation and came to know that the guy positioned on my left was about to be recruited into church band.
Whatever the case is, I pray that they will wake up from their fantasy and obession of chasing titles. God long had enough of persistent sinners in the world. He definitely doesn't need [Christians] who refuses to turn from their ways.
Personal note: You can never pack your leadership title and capabilities into harversack and head to heaven.
Perhaps the most spiritual thing to do is not hold a survey form and walk around shopping malls, but to buy a mirror and clean up our lifes.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Every one of our geezers who continues to play a leadership role has one quality of overriding importance: Neoteny. The dictionary defines neoteny, a zoological term, as the “retention of youthful qualities by adults.” Neoteny is more than retaining a youthful appearance, although that is often part of it. Neoteny is the retention of all those youthful qualities that we associate with youth: curiosity, playfulness, eagerness, fearlessness, warmth, energy. Unlike those defeated by time and age, our geezers have remained much like our geeks – open, willing to take risks, hungry for knowledge and experience, courageous, eager to see what the new day brings.
-Leading For A Lifetime, Harvard Business School Press
-Adapted from Zachary's blog.
Fully agreed (: really.
-Leading For A Lifetime, Harvard Business School Press
-Adapted from Zachary's blog.
Fully agreed (: really.
I am finally healed
I'm lying on a big white mattress with black laptop in front of me. I just want to proudly declare; I am no longer a sick cat anymore! Praise God. It has been quite a harsh few days for me as I am tormented with internal heatiness that comes and go like wind.
Point is: I am here to share our blessings today! With the ongoing fever this afternoon, I struggled and dragged my feet to outreach. I just couldn't find the sense of joy I normally would with that current state of mind accompanied with my uncomfortable body heat. However, God remained faithful as I kinda try to visualise how in the world will I be able to start conversations with people on the street with just this: Significance of Christmas?
Though I talk like I know, but truth is, you know what: To Liyan, Koksoon and Junjie. This is my first time. Really; without any usage of survey forms or assistance of invitational cards. As mentioned, God always proves to be faithful. Pairing together with JH we managed to harvest total number of 6 or more friends that are responsive! All glory to God. Just know we have 6 and help me keep them in prayers shall we? Thanks. Kudos (:
Point is: I am here to share our blessings today! With the ongoing fever this afternoon, I struggled and dragged my feet to outreach. I just couldn't find the sense of joy I normally would with that current state of mind accompanied with my uncomfortable body heat. However, God remained faithful as I kinda try to visualise how in the world will I be able to start conversations with people on the street with just this: Significance of Christmas?
Though I talk like I know, but truth is, you know what: To Liyan, Koksoon and Junjie. This is my first time. Really; without any usage of survey forms or assistance of invitational cards. As mentioned, God always proves to be faithful. Pairing together with JH we managed to harvest total number of 6 or more friends that are responsive! All glory to God. Just know we have 6 and help me keep them in prayers shall we? Thanks. Kudos (:
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The battle has started (:

Level up camp has just ended no more than 2 days and I'm already feeling the heat. I slept for 17 hours?- Besides running down with fever and headache, I can feel that I'm starting to be engaged in spiritual warfare too. Personal struggles that I thought conquered before came back just this morning, and feel so frustrated when I lost. That just made me doubly convinced that God is real- Very real. Shall skip the personal part and move on (:
This camp has been the 7th, and this time was great as ever. Had a wonderful wonderful time praising God and experiencing him. On top of that, I had great time ministering to NorthG and also saw people stepping up the greater committment in thy camp itself! The next generation of leaders- Binhua, Haoqiang, JunJie, Lucas, Weekiat and more. At the very least, these are name I remember from my fingertips. Point is: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! 3 people was holy-spirit baptised in camp too!
I am so delighted in seeing more people joining this cause with me. However, what really captivated me in this camp wasn't just the worship or sermon, but a personal touch from GOD! I came in with this objective: Reverence, but God didn't speak a single thing from the first day onwards!
As I paniced, I actually forgotten that God was at work. The time finally came when Pastor Jeff preached it. Then the following word just struck me like a baseball bat swinged towards my head at 60km/hr. HEART OF INTEGRITY. That was it, and everything just pieced up. As much as with a heart of reverence leads to a heart of integrity, heart of integrity opens the sense of craving and awareness for more reverence. They just compel one another further!
I looking forward to see great things in Woodlands. That's all (:
Sleeping soon.. again
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I want to fight this battle. Together
If there is one thing I don't want to have.
That is to have the courage to rely on myself for God's ministry.
I Heart Revolutions
That is to have the courage to rely on myself for God's ministry.
I Heart Revolutions
Friday, December 11, 2009
My love for dogs. Reignited?

My Favourite breed: Jack Russell-Terrier
Recalling, I used to have a neighbour who had a cute little dog when I was a kid. It used to bark at me, wag it's tail excitedly when I pass by the stretch of corridors. On weekends, especially on sundays afternoon, would be a time I play with it. If my memory have not failed me, I was about primary 3 that time. I used to love dogs. Alot.
Somehow after I moved from my old place,(although I pass by there frequently) I stopped thinking about it, not to mention my passion for dogs. It kinda fade away as I grew up, because of other things in my life. Though I at times did mention about raising one personally, my mum disagreed, I will just shrug my shoulders and spoke nothing about it; Irony? I'm known as the "Animal Abuser". LOL. No I'm not! - Jiajun, I only have something against your love for cats. Haha (: Point is: After some encounters recently, I again began my research about dogs.
One thing absolutely remarkable about them, besides having their names spelt backwards as "God", I see them as friends who inspires loyalty. Not many has their level of intelligence, yet serving humans as friends, companion or even partners to win competition together like the show I came across recently: America Best Dog.
As for now, I wouldn't think about it. With my schedules now, happy dog will probably end up as a sad dog because the deprive of company of Handsome Joshua. Haha, I shall put this as my sideline passion, but that doesn't mean my passion for one will decrease. Kudos (:
I Heart Revolution
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Phobia for herbal. Permenantly.
Story goes.. I was having flu. Prompted to get something that will neutralise the internal heat in me upon reaching Admiralty.(Because I'm hot by the way). Back to the point, I went to the herbal shop. Auntie says the ones in bitter section works wonder. Well, she didn't lie, it worked like a magic potion. However, the process of consuming it was..
No more. NO MORE! This kinda thing, having once per lifetime is more than enough. I almost PUKE. Gosh, the taste is like sour mashed potato with garbage juice with a lacing of smelly tofu ice-blend! Thank God. First time, and THE last time. Blurps*
I Heart Revolutions
Wouldn't it be nice if the world was cadbury?
That sums up a total of 9 bars. Creamy milk, melted chocolate, dipped with a pure snow-white marshmellow, chewed and mashed, glups. Rushing down the throat.. Nice*
Besides having the fear that all of us will suffer from heatiness after our [CHOCOLATE PARTY], I too fear the happening reality of the weather forecast. Dear God, I pray you give us a bright sun, nice wind tomorrow. Let tomorrow be a fruitful day, a day of harvest. Thank you. Amen
Venue: Marina Barrage
Time: 11am [Meeting @ Woodlands mrt]
Be there or be squared. My last bet.
I Heart revolutions
New Generation.
Many of us are different people in front of different cliques and types of people. For example, in front of school friends, you're like this emo kid, but in front of other friends, you're perpectually hyped. Or something like that. But then, have you ever stopped to think - which one is the real you?
These put-on personalities will be alternating so much that in the end, they become a part of you. Yeah, like leeches. Slowly, they just slowly attach themselves to you. Or like blu-tack - the longer you leave it there, the stronger it sticks.
Thus the same applies to these put-on personalities. No, they're not exactly facades, since facades are usually covering something up, like an ugly front. But in the end, when the put-on personalities become a part of you, how do you tell which is really you? How can you differentiate?
-Claire Leong, Seven Adventist
The whole chunk of arguement above was extracted from a person that I came across recently. I never once thought a secondary one student could choose to think in such a way; factoring in the way friends and cliquse nowadays in school influences into consideration. I am simply amazed by how she articulates her thoughts and expresses it.
On one hand, this might be a thorn in the flesh on how to reach out to people because of the constant struggle to be relevant to her age group, on the other, it just simply marked a dino footprint of what was said
"The church of God will grow from glory. To glory".
I Heart Revolutions
These put-on personalities will be alternating so much that in the end, they become a part of you. Yeah, like leeches. Slowly, they just slowly attach themselves to you. Or like blu-tack - the longer you leave it there, the stronger it sticks.
Thus the same applies to these put-on personalities. No, they're not exactly facades, since facades are usually covering something up, like an ugly front. But in the end, when the put-on personalities become a part of you, how do you tell which is really you? How can you differentiate?
-Claire Leong, Seven Adventist
The whole chunk of arguement above was extracted from a person that I came across recently. I never once thought a secondary one student could choose to think in such a way; factoring in the way friends and cliquse nowadays in school influences into consideration. I am simply amazed by how she articulates her thoughts and expresses it.
On one hand, this might be a thorn in the flesh on how to reach out to people because of the constant struggle to be relevant to her age group, on the other, it just simply marked a dino footprint of what was said
"The church of God will grow from glory. To glory".
I Heart Revolutions
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Theocentricity of the scriptures
What is of profound significance to me is the thetoric of subversive truths. Found in both the Old and New testaments, these radical statements (often in language to shock the audience) were inspired articulated to jar the believers (or critics, as the case may be) out of their theological complacencies; in a subversive agenda to expose the illusions of reality held by fallen minds.
- Edmund Chan, Growing deep in God [2003]
It was a tiring process today to figure out the commands of english each and every second, scribbling and jolting down as much as I could, and on top of that, digesting the complex meaning of what was actually spoken in WFL. Personalizing it for myself, here it goes..
Theocentricity VS Anthropocentric orientation.
The parable of the lost son is a famous story we would like to extract when we talk about the love of God. I mean, cool. However, does it just end there? When does it end? When we finally understood God forgives all? Or do we end there when there is a clear definition of acceptance of GOD vs MAN?
Many times, we tend to simply wrap ourselves warmly in the comfort of satisfication because we successfully obey the Word, and I once used too. However, my perspective broaden this afternoon. It was simply more than that.

[Psalm 1]
In a Anthropocentric point of view: We would strive to obey his commands, then we will be successful. Does it seems like a kinda secret recipe to success? True. But inadequate. Just because this assurance worked for ME, it doesn't nessecary means that THAT was the very thing God was trying to convey. Eg."I did this I got rich, do together with me la!" - and because of such misconceptions, we twist the word of God to be normative to everyone else. Thinking it might work sorta like a secret martial arts scroll?
In a theocentrical point of view: God's glory will be revealed. At that very moment when the rewards arrives, we will learn of God's never failing re-assurance and his promise are yes and amen!
Now, why? Why is it essential for christians to buy into the need for theology in studying the scripture? Is there even a need to have good grasp of the idea?
The truth is this: Without knowing the light of theology, we are sincerely inadequately blinded to the reasons of why God choose to say certain things in certain ways.
Illustration: Why did Jesus come down and die for us?
Common Ten-year series answer: Because God loves us.
Theocentrical point of view: For God's glory to be revealed.
Evidence: Flip through the book of Romans and Hebrews. You will find out why.
The one thing that put me in the state of awe was this: Without the basis of theology in the word, we are drive into a motion of Fallacy; a notion of misbeliefs. I cannot help but to agree what was spoken today, to start reading the word of God with the spectacles of God's microphone. To constantly ask: What was God trying to revealed about himself with these passages.
In a nut shell: Without the zeal of thriving to understand, we merely taint the whole essence of God's given messgae, and transquate the truth, to meet our own needs. Might deemed righteous, but not fully to the will of God.
However, although no matter how much God speaks for his own glory, there will always be times that the scriptures translates into our own lifes, but with this in mind: Let's see God first in the picture as we mediate his word and see ourselves along the way, instead of putting ourselves first then dig for his glory due to obligations.
I can never stop typing as much as I cannot fully comprehend the definition of theology itself. However, one thing I honestly believe is: I will never give up on the chase to understand more.
Let what was supposed to be on the throne, be on the throne.
From the WORD of GOD become the GOD of the WORD.
I Heart Revolutions
- Edmund Chan, Growing deep in God [2003]
It was a tiring process today to figure out the commands of english each and every second, scribbling and jolting down as much as I could, and on top of that, digesting the complex meaning of what was actually spoken in WFL. Personalizing it for myself, here it goes..
Theocentricity VS Anthropocentric orientation.
The parable of the lost son is a famous story we would like to extract when we talk about the love of God. I mean, cool. However, does it just end there? When does it end? When we finally understood God forgives all? Or do we end there when there is a clear definition of acceptance of GOD vs MAN?
Many times, we tend to simply wrap ourselves warmly in the comfort of satisfication because we successfully obey the Word, and I once used too. However, my perspective broaden this afternoon. It was simply more than that.

[Psalm 1]
In a Anthropocentric point of view: We would strive to obey his commands, then we will be successful. Does it seems like a kinda secret recipe to success? True. But inadequate. Just because this assurance worked for ME, it doesn't nessecary means that THAT was the very thing God was trying to convey. Eg."I did this I got rich, do together with me la!" - and because of such misconceptions, we twist the word of God to be normative to everyone else. Thinking it might work sorta like a secret martial arts scroll?
In a theocentrical point of view: God's glory will be revealed. At that very moment when the rewards arrives, we will learn of God's never failing re-assurance and his promise are yes and amen!
Now, why? Why is it essential for christians to buy into the need for theology in studying the scripture? Is there even a need to have good grasp of the idea?
The truth is this: Without knowing the light of theology, we are sincerely inadequately blinded to the reasons of why God choose to say certain things in certain ways.
Illustration: Why did Jesus come down and die for us?
Common Ten-year series answer: Because God loves us.
Theocentrical point of view: For God's glory to be revealed.
Evidence: Flip through the book of Romans and Hebrews. You will find out why.
The one thing that put me in the state of awe was this: Without the basis of theology in the word, we are drive into a motion of Fallacy; a notion of misbeliefs. I cannot help but to agree what was spoken today, to start reading the word of God with the spectacles of God's microphone. To constantly ask: What was God trying to revealed about himself with these passages.
In a nut shell: Without the zeal of thriving to understand, we merely taint the whole essence of God's given messgae, and transquate the truth, to meet our own needs. Might deemed righteous, but not fully to the will of God.
However, although no matter how much God speaks for his own glory, there will always be times that the scriptures translates into our own lifes, but with this in mind: Let's see God first in the picture as we mediate his word and see ourselves along the way, instead of putting ourselves first then dig for his glory due to obligations.
I can never stop typing as much as I cannot fully comprehend the definition of theology itself. However, one thing I honestly believe is: I will never give up on the chase to understand more.
Let what was supposed to be on the throne, be on the throne.
From the WORD of GOD become the GOD of the WORD.
I Heart Revolutions
Sunday, December 6, 2009
New streams of rivers in dry deserts
NorthG vision statment:
1.Joshua: "
2.Junlin: "
3.YiYong: "Mr.Muscle
4.Jianhao: "limping Popper
5.Koksoon: "98 year old man
6.Sentosa: "Moving Island
Above all are special names; charged with the responsibilty to live out the vision and pursue the goals agreed. I believe it can be done. From the bottom of my heart, I truly thank you for embarking on this chapter with me.
25 by end dec. Tell me, what can possibly stop us from seeing it come to pass? Shall it be ineffective systems? or poor leadership? None above. None. We just simply need a heart seeded by faith. Jiayou!
I Heart Revolutions
1.Joshua: "
2.Junlin: "
3.YiYong: "Mr.Muscle
4.Jianhao: "limping Popper
5.Koksoon: "98 year old man
6.Sentosa: "Moving Island
Above all are special names; charged with the responsibilty to live out the vision and pursue the goals agreed. I believe it can be done. From the bottom of my heart, I truly thank you for embarking on this chapter with me.
25 by end dec. Tell me, what can possibly stop us from seeing it come to pass? Shall it be ineffective systems? or poor leadership? None above. None. We just simply need a heart seeded by faith. Jiayou!
I Heart Revolutions
My Comrade.
Dear JunJie. This is just a photo of two handsome man. Can you help but to agree?
1. Being a man who chases after God's heart.
Honestly, I cannot help but to say this: I truly admire you for you genuine heart towards your love for God. Your child-likeness is truly remarkable, a character trait that many will choose to trade-off in the face of temptation to chase after solid experience, leadership capabilites and even successes. However, you chose to keep it. I want to encourage you to never lose this spirit, let it go far with you.
2. Simply Being a friend.
"Friendships are not drawn by lines and tables"
Seeing you write countless of cards for the many in our unit further convinced me of this quote. Just want to let you know that all this affirmations are deemed extremly important in many eyes. Appreciated too. You will never know when a person will choose to pick himself/herself up after a hard fall simply because you take time to sit down and pen down the diamonds and gems you see in him/her.
I honestly believe that God will use you to lift the generation of leaders to a higher level of faith in time to come. At that moment, I anticipate the source of empowerment, not just your box of cards, but also the undefined, yet simple spirit that God bestows to you personally; To love. To fight. To honour. To inspire.
In a nutshell: you have been a testimony to me, and many. And many to come.
I'm proud to have you as a brother in Christ.
Run the race together shall we?
Happy 17th Birthday *Cheers (:
I Heart Revolutions
A Community of Prayer
Speaker: Gideon Ng
Rebuilding our community series
Title: A community of prayer
Text: [Nehemiah 9:1-32]
Introduction: [2nd Chronicles7:14]
>Repentance brings reconcilation.
>As a church, there must be key solid foundation-as a habit and prayers is one of the key aspects. *Cultivate a strong prayerlife.
Be too busy not to pray.
Question: How do we determine a strong God-centered community?
Remember: Community without intentions of touching life and bring transformation is simply a rock-band concert.
3 major aspects of prayers:
#1. Seeing the greatness of God in prayers (v5-1)
[Matthew6:9-10] Praying with the spirit of thanksgiving.
*Definition of "Hallowed": Giving the fullest honour to his glory.
Always thrive to understand the "who" we are praying to.
It is the determining factor to one's source of faith and reliance.
>Remember: The same God who brought me to where I am now as compared to the past, gives me sufficent reason to trust him to where he will bring me to the future.
In conclusion: Knowing who God is as a "headed-level" knowledge is completely a seperate matter from knowing who God is in our Hearts.
[Luke12:6-7] - Never deny the undeniable fact;the God-shaped hole in our hearts.
[1st Chronicles16:34] - Let God love others through you, be a signboard for the lost
#2. Seeing ourselves in prayers (v16-30)
Choosing to dwell in God's presence and labouring in prayers gives us reflection to where we are at the current, and gives us insights to where we are embarking on.
[A.C.T.S] Adore.Confess.Thanksgiving.Supplication
[Nehemiah 9:16] Arrogant and stiffed-neck.
Nevertheless, we at times fall into this unseemingly category because we give in the insecurities, and lose faith to trust in the ways of the LORD. We attempt to take control of the steering wheel, which oftenly results in dialing for ambulance after crashing against the wall.
Obey today. At the very least, God can promise you a regretless mistake.
(v17) - In modern context, do NOT treat God like a santa claus, genie lamp which you call upon only or rub heartily in times of desperation. Honestly, I believe God wants to give you more.
[Psalm 119:105]
#3. Seeing the future community in prayers (v31-32)
Envision what the Kingdom of God will be in 10 years down the road.
Pray with the same kind of faith; Expect the same kind of future.
In conlusion: With this resounding call, to step up to the calling of leaders for the next generation, knocking at the doors of many hearts, I wonder how many will respond. And last till the end. Huh.
I Heart Revolutions
Rebuilding our community series
Title: A community of prayer
Text: [Nehemiah 9:1-32]
Introduction: [2nd Chronicles7:14]
>Repentance brings reconcilation.
>As a church, there must be key solid foundation-as a habit and prayers is one of the key aspects. *Cultivate a strong prayerlife.
Be too busy not to pray.
Question: How do we determine a strong God-centered community?
Remember: Community without intentions of touching life and bring transformation is simply a rock-band concert.
3 major aspects of prayers:
#1. Seeing the greatness of God in prayers (v5-1)
[Matthew6:9-10] Praying with the spirit of thanksgiving.
*Definition of "Hallowed": Giving the fullest honour to his glory.
Always thrive to understand the "who" we are praying to.
It is the determining factor to one's source of faith and reliance.
>Remember: The same God who brought me to where I am now as compared to the past, gives me sufficent reason to trust him to where he will bring me to the future.
In conclusion: Knowing who God is as a "headed-level" knowledge is completely a seperate matter from knowing who God is in our Hearts.
[Luke12:6-7] - Never deny the undeniable fact;the God-shaped hole in our hearts.
[1st Chronicles16:34] - Let God love others through you, be a signboard for the lost
#2. Seeing ourselves in prayers (v16-30)
Choosing to dwell in God's presence and labouring in prayers gives us reflection to where we are at the current, and gives us insights to where we are embarking on.
[A.C.T.S] Adore.Confess.Thanksgiving.Supplication
[Nehemiah 9:16] Arrogant and stiffed-neck.
Nevertheless, we at times fall into this unseemingly category because we give in the insecurities, and lose faith to trust in the ways of the LORD. We attempt to take control of the steering wheel, which oftenly results in dialing for ambulance after crashing against the wall.
Obey today. At the very least, God can promise you a regretless mistake.
(v17) - In modern context, do NOT treat God like a santa claus, genie lamp which you call upon only or rub heartily in times of desperation. Honestly, I believe God wants to give you more.
[Psalm 119:105]
#3. Seeing the future community in prayers (v31-32)
Envision what the Kingdom of God will be in 10 years down the road.
Pray with the same kind of faith; Expect the same kind of future.
In conlusion: With this resounding call, to step up to the calling of leaders for the next generation, knocking at the doors of many hearts, I wonder how many will respond. And last till the end. Huh.
I Heart Revolutions
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Theology. Truths made complicated?

Definition of Theology; theorically explained in a thesis statement.
[Simple facts made complicated by man]
From an exegetical point of view, the eschatological
structure imposes smothering constraints upon the ramification
of consensus-building. Don't you agree?
Now. The above paragraph paints a classical example of a nonsensical, "makes no sense sentence" that contains no truths.Honestly, isn't sometimes theology of God are depicted this way? However as surprisingly as it is, many eyes sparkle upon these. Question is why?
On a personal note, the theology lesson in WFL: The Grandeur of God, was heaven and earth as compared. I believe theology of God was not meant to be recieved in complicating ways, for a simple reason: Because God longs to be known. However, this does not nesseccarily means it will always be similar to reading enid blyton series.
And though even Peter admitted that parts of God's Word are difficult, understanding them is possible and beneficial. We are finite humans and as such we have finite minds that do not have limitless understanding, but we have a perfect helper who dwells in us that will enable us to understand God's perfect Word.
All in all, I honestly believe in one thing: Since God has given the bible as it is, it is believer's responsibility and joy to seek understanding of it, not to be contented with the level of our knowledge, and believe that certain doctrines are above our pay grade.
Know what?! Suddenly, I have a new urge. The foremost thing once I reached the gates of heaven, (after enjoying the long applause), I will sprint to God for an encyclopedia. I look forward to discover what is unknown. Let this be the motivation to the never-ending desire of chasing, for the understanding of God in my life on earth.
Labels: Chasing after God's heart.
I Heart Revolutions